Register now for 2024 Connected by Links
Welcome to the Registration Page for Golf and Sponsorships.
This will be the most fun event EVER! Prepare to have a rollicking good time.
There are separate registrations for Golf and Sponsorships. Both use the New Registration button.
- Golfers: Please proceed with New Registration
- Golf and Tee Sponsor: Please proceed with New Registration and select TEE Sponsor in the next step after registering yourself or foursome.
- Golf and all other Sponsorships: You will need to register twice – first register for golf. Then return and register for a sponsorship.
- Sponsorship Only: Proceed with New Registration.
Also, if you do not remember your login from last year - please use the "Forgot Password" link to reset your password. If you do not get the reset password link email - add "" to your safe sender list and then try to reset your password again.
RAFFLE ITEMS WANTED - Get Your Name Noticed
GOLFER BAG ITEMS WANTED - Put Your Logo In Our Bags – 150 Qty